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Remediation Field Services

At Legacy Remediation, we are experienced with both Direct Push and Well Injections of in-situ remediation chemistries. We have field experience with every remediation product available, and we understand the unique handling and safety requirements for each one of them.


We are a very detail-orientated group and realize the importance of pre-project planning, and how critical it is to over-plan for projects to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Geoprobe 7822 Direct Push Rig

Direct Push Injection

Direct Push Injection has grown to become the most popular In-Situ Remediation approach.

With the use of our specially designed top-down, bottom-up, or directional injection tools, we can better control the vertical distribution and emplacement of remedial compounds.

Well Injection

Well Injection

Injection Wells are typically used for In-Situ Remediation when the target treatment interval is not achievable by Direct Push Technology or when 4 or more injection events are anticipated.

If you have any questions on our services or if we can help support any of your current or upcoming projects, feel free to contact us.


Legacy Remediation Southern California Office



2140 South Santa Fe Street

Santa Ana, California 92705

(714) 494-6609


Legacy Remediation Northern California Office


685 Stone Road, Suite 18

Benicia, CA 94510


(925) 226-8181

Copyright ©202 | Legacy Remediation, Inc.

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