The Legacy Team is kicking off a 4-month Sodium Permanganate Well Injection in Fallon Nevada.
The project started with some Geotechnical Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Soil Sampling. The samples were collecting using Geoprobe's 2" interlocking Split Spoon sampler, advanced with the Auto Hammer through 8" Hollow Stem Augers.
We then collected continuous core soil samples using Geoprobe's included Dual Tube Soil Sampling (DT22), Discrete Depth Groundwater Sampling (SP22) and installed direct push installed 2-Inch PVC Pre-Pack Wells.
Following all the sampling work, we performed Injection Testing on a few of the Injection Wells.
If you have any questions about this project, or if we can help support any of your current or upcoming projects, please contact us.
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